Front Entrance to St. Clement Church - Doors are Open, Altar is Visible, Doors are flanked by Statues of Angels

Parish News



Beginning on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 our new office hours will be Tuesday to Friday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The office will be closed on Mondays.



Effective Tuesday February, 18, 2025

Our Adoration Chapel will be open Tuesday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.
and on Saturday between 8 a.m. and Noon.

The Adoration Chapel will be closed on Sundays and Mondays.



2024 St. Clement Parish Financial Report.pdf

Maintenance Expense Detail - Appendix I.pdf

A member of the Finance Committee will also present the above report at each mass on the weekend of March 15/16.  Fr. Tim thanks the members of the Finance Committee for their wise counsel and advice: Eric De Souza, Gordon Cummings, Diana Jemmett, Martin Menezes and our new members Miranda Agostino and Don Beggs.

We are most grateful for your weekly support of St. Clement Parish through your Offertory envelopes (available at the doors of the church), PAG (Pre- Authorized Giving…forms also available at the doors of the church) and online donations though the Donate Now button on the top right corner of both the St. Clement Parish and Archdiocese of Toronto websites- which enables you to select single or recurring donations directly from your credit card.

As you can see, our Maintenance collection revenue is more than expended each year on the various maintenance projects that are necessary in a 55-year-old church, office and rectory complex, and we thank you for your ongoing support of our monthly Maintenance Collection. We are also grateful for your support of the Special Collections, and particularly ShareLife. You have always been very generous in support of ShareLife, and we ask you once again in this Lenten season to consider a sacrificial gift for this year’s campaign.

Once again, on behalf of all of us on the parish staff, I would like to thank each of you for your support of the parish during 2024. We truly appreciate your loyalty and continued generosity to our parish community.