A view of the altar of St. Clement from the back of the empty church


As you can well imagine, closures have left our parish in a difficult financial situation.  Without the support of your regular offertory gifts, we are unable to meet our ongoing financial responsibilities (ie. utilities, taxes, maintenance, loan interest, fixed office overhead, salaries, etc.)   We recognize that some of you are now undergoing serious financial hardships or may have lost your job.  However, it is our sincere hope that those of you who are able will continue to support our parish during these times.  

So how can you help our parish community in this time of financial challenge?

1)    By either mailing your Sunday envelopes to the parish – our address is in the letterhead – or by personally dropping off your envelopes through the mail slot in the red parish office door. 

2)    Now may be the time to consider Pre Authorized Giving (PAG).  This method allows you donate directly to the Parish by a withdrawal from your account on the 20th of each month. The amount you determine is deposited directly into the parish bank account.  For more information, or to obtain an enrolment form, please email us at stclementset@archtoronto.org.

3)    You may also donate online using your credit card.  Click on the button below to make an online donation.  Scroll down the map, double click on ‘Toronto West’. Then complete the information required on this page.  This programme has been found helpful by many parishioners.

Online Donation

Finally, we thank you for your ongoing commitment to St. Clement Parish. As a community of faith, we look forward to gathering again.  Let us be supportive and prayerful of one another.