Ministry Fair - with hands raised in the background

Ministry Fair





As Bishop Camilleri noted in his homily during his Episcopal Visitation St. Clement Parish needs your God-given gifts! He quoted Pope Benedict XVI, who wrote “Our faith is not merely a question of correct dogma or correct belief, but it must lead us to imitate Christ, to follow Him on the path of self-giving and love. To carry the cross means to align ourselves with Christ’s love, to enter into the logic of the cross, where life is given and received only by the gift of self”.

 The Bishop then said: It is in the ‘gift of self’ to others that we find our truest purpose. In this way we not only become the hands and feet of Jesus to help Him accomplish the work he desires, but what is also revealed to us, is our supernatural gifts (our Charisms) through which we find the joy and energy to do these works.  

 Last Sunday, on Stewardship Sunday, I asked that each one of you prayerfully reflect on how to share your God-given gifts with your parish by joining a parish ministry that speaks to your heart at our first ever PARISH MINISTRY FAIR at each mass on the weekend of October 19/20. On that weekend there will be no homily at the regular time, but each person is invited at the end of the shortened mass to come to the parish hall where each one of our parish ministries (from Altar Servers to Yak and Yarn) will have a display with information available about their specific ministry.  Volunteers for each ministry will be on hand to answer your questions and to take your name and contact information if you are interested in joining that ministry.  

 In addition to our existing ministries… we are also looking for new Pastoral Care Team members (see below) under the direction of Sr. Christina, and we are also introducing a Parish Refugee Committee (to sponsor a refugee family for one year through the Office of Refugees in the Archdiocese of Toronto) under the direction of Peter Rebello.  These two groups will also be represented at our Ministry Fair…please circle the October 19/20 weekend on your calendar and plan to attend!