Bench by Lake with Tree on the Side

St. Augustine's Sisters of Life

已發佈 : Mar-31-2022


St. Augustine's Seminary - Sisters of Life


St. Augustine's Seminary is holding an Annual Day of Reflection for Women - Sisters of Life (Feminine Genius)

The presenters are Sister Antoniana Maria and the Sisters of Life

Click Here To Register for the Annual Day of Reflection for Women


Dear Lay Spiritual Formation Participants,

I hope this Lenten season has inspired some deep spiritual growth, including more time to pray, fast, and share resources with people experiencing vulnerability. Dr. Donald Graham facilitated a wonderful day of reflection for us on the thought of St. John Henry Newman. Many thanks to all who participated.

I am delighted to invite all women to our last event of 2021-2022: The Annual Day of Reflection for Women on Saturday, June 4, 2022. The Sisters of Life will lead us on a journey into the Heart of Woman to uncover and recover the Feminine Genius so desperately needed in our day. Using the inspired insights of St. Pope John Paul II, they will accompany us as we reflect on the gifts women bring to the Church and beyond.

This retreat will be offered in-person and virtually. The seminary community is excited to welcome participants for fellowship and worship. For those participants attending in person, brunch and mass will be available. Please register soon as limited spots are available for in-person participation. Virtual attendance is unlimited. Visit our website event page for more information regarding cost and registration details. I look forward to seeing you in person and virtually on June 4.

Warmly, in Christ,
Josephine Lombardi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Systematic and Pastoral Theology
Director of Lay Spiritual Formation
St. Augustine's Seminary, Scarborough, ON
416 261 7207


St. Augustine's Seminary - Sisters of Life - Full Poster June 4 2022


St. Augustine's Seminary of Toronto
2661 Kingston Rd.
Scarborough, Ontario
M1M 1M3

Phone: 416-261-7207, ext. 235
Fax: 416-261-2529