OCY - Office of Catholic Youth

OCY Missionaries - Recruiting 2022-2023

已發佈 : May-15-2022


OCY Missionaries - Recruiting 2022-2023

Young Adult Missionaries of the Archdiocese of Toronto

Message from OCY Missionary:

Good morning!

We hope you're well and having a great week so far.

In case you didn't hear the exciting news… The mission of re:gen is expanding and will now be known as OCY Missionaries! To learn more about this exciting new venture between the Office of Catholic Youth and HopeStone Catholic Formation, please visit our website.

The goal of an OCY Missionary is to pursue Christ together and reach young people with the Gospel message.

We are looking for young adults/post-secondary graduates who are open to committing 15 months to mission work (June 2022 to August 2023) as a retreat, campus or digital media missionary.