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1200 Gather to Give Thanks for the Elevation of Cardinal Leo to the College of Cardinals at St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica

Przesłane : Jan-16-2025

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A Holy Mass of Thanksgiving was celebrated for Cardinal Leo at St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica on Wednesday, January 15 at 7pm. 1200 faithful gathered to celebrate His Eminence and thank God for blessing the Archdiocese with Cardinal Leo's appointment.

O God, who always walks in the path of mercy
and truth, renew the gifts that you have bestowed
and mercifully grant by your grace what human
weakness cannot attain, namely that this
servant of yours, Cardinal Frank Leo,
by constantly building up your Church, may shine
forth with integrity of faith and purity of mind,
we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Mary Mother of the Church, pray for us.
St. Michael, pray for us.

Photo Gallery from the Holy Mass of Thanksgiving