Jesus and Friend Walking on Beach with Jesus' arm over friends shoulder

New Adoration Tabernacle

Przesłane : Jun-08-2022


The St. Clement Adoration Chapel reopens on Monday, June 13, 2022. Inside you will find a new Adoration Tabernacle designed and made by our own Deacon, Milan Popik. The locked Tabernacle door acts as a monstrance, revealing to worshippers the sacred Body of Christ. It also provides a level of protection for the Eucharist, the Church’s greatest treasure. When chapel hours are over, the outer doors of the tabernacle are respectfully closed. Angel figures on either side remind us to bow down in adoration before the Lord. We thank Peter and Paul Zingone for their help with this project.


Chapel Tabernacle Updated June 2022



Chapel Updated June 2022 - Monstrance Container