Christmas Garland

Christmas Social Pictures

Przesłane : Dec-22-2022


The following are pictures taken at the Christmas Social held on December 17.


Pictures of the Decorated Hall before the Social. 

    Empty Hall Before Party Picture 2


Empty Hall Before Party Picture 3    Empty Hall Before Party Picture 4

Pictures of Parishioners at the Social.

                    Liz Leung and Panache Steel Band   Our 2 faithful long time altar servers - Peter and Paul - with Geo and Sebastian Villena

                    Picture 07   Picture 08

                                                          Picture 09   Picture 11

                                                          Picture 12   Picture 13

                              Picture 14  Picture 15

                              Picture 16  Picture 17

                              Picture 18  Picture 19 

                              Picture 20  Picture 21

                              Picture 22  Picture 23

                              Picture 24  Picture 25

                                                           Picture 31  Picture 32